Sunday 22 February 2009

Underworld 3 Rise of the Lycans - REVIEW

The first thing that is strikingly evident in Underworld 3 is the loss of leading lady Kate Beckinsale. I did not go into this film with high hopes as often when a sequel or prequel loses its main actor or actress the fundamental componenet of what made the films preceeding the one being viewed is often lost. Suprisingly the film manages to sidestep this massive error in judgement thanks to the number of other key players that do return and the clever idea to revolve the story arc around them rather than try to replace Beckinsale.
With Rhona Mitra's Sonja playing like a poor impression of Selene, it is not suprising the prequel option was chosen ahead of a watered down sequel. However, fans of the first two films may feel a little dissapointed as not much is really revealed or achieved that hasnt been seen before. In the first Underworld film a flashback is shown of what happend to Victor's daughter Sonja, this is basically a dragged out 1 hour and thirty minute extension of that flashback.
On the other hand, some of the sheer brutality and gore present will be enough to appease adrenaline junkies. The action sequences are impressive and whilst the acting talent on display seems like butter spread across too much bread compared to the depth of characters at disposal of the first two films, the smaller budget has in no way impared the visually glorious vampires and lycans. The quality of the cgi and animations is as good if not better than the films that preceed it. All in all Underworld 3 does not feel like a true sequel but it does showcase exactly how a prequel with a smaller budget can still make an entertaining film that will not disgruntle fans.
The film never feels on the same scale as the Beckinsale franchise, the begining of the war that is mentioned so vigourousy in 1 and Evolution is a little damp compared to the likes of the Lord of the Rings grand battles. But its saving grace is Michael Sheen who reprises his role as Lucien and plays the role with as much tragic grace and agony that he provides the audience with a reason to care about the events unfolding on screen.

As Part of the Underwold franchise this is the poorest installment, on the other hand when treated as a seperate entity it is an extremely enjoyable and bloodthirsty flick. Despite some odd exclusions (Selene becoming a vampire ? Kraven ?) most of the backstroy before Underworld one is covered suitably. The film plays out and the audience will be left quite content until the very final 30 seconds which prove the films downfall. Showing regurgitated footage of Kate Beckinsale as a leather clad Selene before the credits hit does not give fans a smile, it reminds them even though the past hour and a half has been enjoyable its not a patch on what came before it.

Action Flicks Rating : 6/ 10

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